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The 7.x-2.x version of the SQL Server driver is - for performance reasons - tightly coupled with Wincache. It will still work even if you don't setup Wincache, but performance gains of doing so are significant. And this is the recommended version because 7.x-1.x has severe performance issues.

To enable the Wincache integration you must:

  • Enable the Wincache Extension and the Wincache Module
  • Configure the lock backend to use Wincache
    • $conf['lock_inc'] = 'sites/all/modules/contrib/wincachedrupal/wincache-lock.inc';
  • Make sure that fastache binary is sento to Wincache (if you are sending all caches by default to Wincache then no need to do this):
    • $conf['cache_class_fastcache'] = 'DrupalWinCache';