Continuous integration and testing with Drupal on AppVeyor
Continuous integration and testing with Drupal on AppVeyor
You can now easily test your Drupal projects on AppVeyor. Currently, AppVeyor is the major player in CI regarding Windows Servers. On other CI systems (Travis, Bitbucket pipelines) you are limited to Docker containers for the *nix platform. (This will soon change as some CI will throw Windows containers into the mix).
Until then, the only tool to CI your Drupal (or any PHP project) on a Windows based environment using IIS is AppVeyor.
In this post I'll show you how we setup free (because AppVeyor is free for open source/public projects) for the MS SQL Server driver for Drupal.
After opening a windows account, go the the + New Project menu.
AppVeyor automatically integrates with major code repository providers such as GitHub, BitBucket, Gitlab and Visual Studio Online. In our case, we will use the "raw" Git option, to connect to any Git repository (in this case the one):
All the configuration for the project is done through an appveyor.yml file that you commit to the root of your repository. The reference for this file can be found here:
In this file you configure the build script, services and any other behaviour required for your CI process.
We prepared a completely automated build and test script to download drupal, install it on a local IIS site and run the complete core test suite:
version: 1.0.{build}
skip_tags: true
- ps:
- mssql2014
- iis
- cmd: >-
net start MSSQL$SQL2014
powershell -command "Set-Service 'SQLAgent$SQL2014' -StartupType Manual"
net start W3SVC
powershell -command "new-item c:\tools\php\ext -itemtype directory"
powershell -command "new-item c:\tmp -itemtype directory"
rmdir c:\tmp /s /q
powershell -command "new-item c:\tmp -itemtype directory"
powershell -command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','C:\tmp\')"
powershell -command "(new-object -com shell.application).namespace('C:\tmp').CopyHere((new-object -com shell.application).namespace('C:\tmp\').Items(),16)"
copy /Y "c:\tmp\7.0\x64\php_pdo_sqlsrv_7_nts.dll" "c:\tools\php\ext\php_pdo_sqlsrv.dll"
powershell -command "(Get-Item c:\tools\php\ext\php_pdo_sqlsrv.dll).VersionInfo"
rmdir c:\tmp /s /q
powershell -command "new-item c:\tmp -itemtype directory"
powershell -command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','C:\tmp\')"
powershell -command "(new-object -com shell.application).namespace('C:\tmp').CopyHere((new-object -com shell.application).namespace('C:\tmp\').Items(),16)"
copy /-Y "c:\tmp\php_wincache.dll" "c:\tools\php\ext\php_wincache.dll"
powershell -command "(Get-Item c:\tools\php\ext\php_wincache.dll).VersionInfo"
cinst -y OpenSSL.Light
SET PATH=C:\Program Files\OpenSSL;%PATH%
sc config wuauserv start= auto
net start wuauserv
cinst -y --allow-empty-checksums php -version 7.0.9
cd c:\tools\php
copy php.ini-production php.ini
echo date.timezone="UTC" >> php.ini
echo extension_dir=ext >> php.ini
echo extension=php_openssl.dll >> php.ini
echo extension=php_wincache.dll >> php.ini
echo extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv.dll >> php.ini
echo extension=php_com_dotnet.dll >> php.ini
echo extension=php_sockets.dll >> php.ini
echo extension=php_mbstring.dll >> php.ini
echo extension=php_soap.dll >> php.ini
echo extension=php_curl.dll >> php.ini
echo extension=php_gd2.dll >> php.ini
echo extension=php_gettext.dll >> php.ini
echo zend_extension=php_opcache.dll >> php.ini
echo opcache.enable=1 >> php.ini
echo opcache.enable_cli=1 >> php.ini
echo opcache.memory_consumption=128 >> php.ini
echo opcache.revalidate_freq=1500 >> php.ini
echo opcache.max_accelerated_files=8000 >> php.ini
echo wincache.ucenabled=1 >> php.ini
echo wincache.ucachesize=128 >> php.ini
echo wincache.fcenabled=0 >> php.ini
echo realpath_cache_size=5M >> php.ini
echo realpath_cache_ttl=1800 >> php.ini
echo pdo_sqlsrv.client_buffer_max_kb_size=24480 >> php.ini
echo Setup certificate store
powershell -command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','C:\cacert.pem')"
echo curl.cainfo="C:\cacert.pem" >> php.ini
SET PATH=C:\tools\php;%PATH%
powershell -Command ($env:Path)
powershell -command "new-item c:\composer -itemtype directory"
cd /d C:\composer
php -r "readfile('');" | php
powershell -command "(Get-Item C:\composer\composer.phar).length"
powershell -command "'@php C:\composer\composer.phar ' + $([char]37) + '*' | Out-File C:\composer\composer.bat -Encoding ASCII"
SET PATH=C:\composer;%PATH%
cd /d C:\projects\
composer create-project -n drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev
cd /d C:\projects\drupal-project
composer config repositories.drupal composer
composer require drupal/sqlsrv:~2.0
xcopy /S /I /E %cd%\web\modules\contrib\sqlsrv\drivers %cd%\web\drivers
composer config repositories.1 git
composer require david/mssql
powershell -command "'@php %cd%\vendor\drupal\console\bin\drupal ' + $([char]37) + '*' | Out-File %cd%/web/drupal.bat -Encoding ASCII"
cd /d C:\projects\drupal-project\web
drupal about
drupal site:install standard --langcode="en" --db-type="sqlsrv" --db-host="localhost\SQL2014" --db-name="mydrupalsite" --db-user="sa" --db-pass="Password12!" --db-port="1433" --site-name="SQL Server Drupal Site" --site-mail="" --account-name="admin" --account-mail="" --account-pass="admin" --no-interaction
drupal about
cd /d C:\projects\drupal-project
powershell -command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%cd%\patch.patch')"
git apply patch.patch --directory=web
powershell -command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%cd%\patch.patch')"
git apply patch.patch --directory=web
powershell -command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%cd%\patch.patch')"
git apply patch.patch --directory=web
powershell -command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%cd%\patch.patch')"
git apply patch.patch --directory=vendor/drupal/console
cd /d C:\projects\drupal-project\web
drupal module:install simpletest
choco install -y urlrewrite
powershell -command "New-WebSite -Name 'MyWebsite' -PhysicalPath 'c:\projects\drupal-project\web' -Force"
echo >> %WINDIR%\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts
powershell -command "Import-Module WebAdministration; Set-ItemProperty 'IIS:\Sites\MyWebsite' -name Bindings -value @{protocol='http';bindingInformation='*'}"
SET PATH=%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\;%PATH%
echo Change default anonymous user AUTH to ApplicationPool
appcmd set config -section:anonymousAuthentication /username:"" --password
echo Setup FAST-CGI configuration
appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/fastCGI /+[fullPath='C:\tools\php\php-cgi.exe']
echo Setup FACT-CGI handler
appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/handlers /+[name='PHP-FastCGI',path='*.php',verb='*',modules='FastCgiModule',scriptProcessor='C:\tools\php\php-cgi.exe',resourceType='Either']
powershell -command "wget"
- cmd: >-
cd /d C:\projects\drupal-project
mkdir c:\testresults\
php web/core/scripts/ --php php --all --verbose --url "" --xml c:\testresults\
- path: c:\testresults
name: Results
You can see the CI process here with build results:
If you host your projects in Bitbucket or GitLab AppVeyor has out of the box integrations that will update build statuses for pull requests, branches, commits, etc.
You can use the above testing script as a base template to implement CI and testing in your Windows based Drupal projects (private or public) against a MS SQL Server.
In order for Javascript based tests (full browser intergation tests) to work with the drupal test suite, you need to install and setup PhantomJs on your testing machine. Use these commands:
- cmd: choco install phantomjs
- ps: Start-Job -Name "test" -ScriptBlock {cmd /c "phantomjs --ssl-protocol=any --ignore-ssl-errors=true vendor/jcalderonzumba/gastonjs/src/Client/main.js 8510 1024 768 false 2>&1 >> c:\gastonjs.log"}
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